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Runder Bilderrahmen Schwarz

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Informationen zu den Rundrahmen Artikel-Nr. ZE / ZN / ZNG / ZG / ZW / ZSC



Informationen zu den Rundrahmen Artikel-Nr. ZE / ZN / ZNG / ZG / ZW / ZSC

Frame size / picture size

Frame size oval/round frame

The picture shows the Back of a frame. The arrows mark the widest inside opening (the image dimension) horizontal and vertical. This dimension describes the Frame size.

Frame size oval/round frame

You see the Front page of the frame. The Width of the frame profile (profile width) depends on the frame size. You will find a table listing all frame dimensions at the bottom of the order pages.

Dimensional sketch oval/round frame

oval image section

Measure the Width and height of the picture you wish to frame. This dimension corresponds to the Frame sizewhich you must order to fit your picture. To ensure that your picture (as well as the glass and back panel) fits into the frame with a little play and does not jam, we add 2 mm to the dimensions of your selected size when making rectangular frames.
(Bei Passepartoutbestellungen ist weiteres zu beachten – siehe dazu weiter unten)

oval image section

If you now know the frame size you need, you can compare it with all the other desired properties in the fields. When selecting glass and passe-partout, the sizes must correspond to the selected frame size in order to fit the frame. Remember that the picture must be surrounded by the Frame lip (rebate width)which keeps the picture in the frame, approx. 5 to 10 mm is covered. (for exact dimensions > see explanations on the article pages)

Please note that each frame size is characterised by different dimensions. For this reason, the proportions of the individual frame sizes may differ visually. All dimensions for the available frame sizes can be found in the following table.


Abmessungen eines Bilderrahmens

1. size frame / picture size (in cm) 2. width profile (in mm) 3. height profile in (in mm) 4. light dimension in (in mm) 5. rebate width in (in mm) 6. height rebate in (in mm)
8 22 20 70 5 7
10 23 20 86 6 8
12 24 20 109 7 9
14 25 20 127 7 10
16 26 20 147 7 8
18 26 20 167 7 8
20 30 23 187 7 8
24 32 23 224 8 8
30 35 23 289 8 8
40 50 29 380 10 12
50 52 30 485 10 12
60 55 35 583 10 16
70 55 35 683 10 16
80 57 35 783 10 16
100 57 35 383 10 16


Glass / Mirror

The following types of glass are available

If the picture is located in a place where there are disturbing light sources (windows, lamps), we advise you to choose anti-reflective glass.

Reflections are unpleasant, especially if the light source is behind the viewer.
Zu beachten ist, daß entspiegeltes Glas seine Transparenz verliert, je weiter das Objekt hinter dem Glas entfernt ist. Die Benutzung ist also nur dann empfehlenswert, wenn das Bild das Glas berührt und keine Distanz dazwischen liegt. Daher besonders geeignet für Fotos und Drucke, die ohne Passepartout eingerahmt werden.
If a passe-partout or spacer strip is used, the transparency decreases considerably.

Bei der Entscheidung für eine der möglichen Glasarten spielem weitere Kriterien wie UV-Schutz, Gewicht und Bruchsicherheit eine Rolle. In der folgenden Auflistung sind die speziellen Eigenschaften näher beschrieben, um eine Hilfe bei der passenden Auswahl zu erhalten.


The different properties of glass for picture framing:

Picture frame glass (float glass) > maximale Größe 50 x 60 cm
is available as normal real glass and anti-reflective real glass. It has the typical properties of glass and is available in a material thickness of 2 mm.
The non-mirrored version is etched on one side, resulting in a slightly roughened surface. The image sharpness, light and colour rendition are slightly limited and result in a somewhat matt colour.
This glass is only offered up to a frame size of 50 x 60 cm due to the risk of breakage during shipping.


Crilex art glass (polystyrene) > maximum size 100 x 140 cm
is a transparent, lightweight and break-resistant artificial glass. Due to its lightness and unbreakability, it is often recommended instead of glass. It is used in particular for display in rooms open to the public (such as schools, nurseries, hospitals, government offices, etc.). Crilex is available as art glass, glossy on both sides. The thickness of the sheets is 1.8 mm
and anti-reflective on one side. The anti-reflective version has a panel thickness of 1.5 mm. When using, make sure that the roughened side of the glass panel is inserted into the frame so that it is facing outwards, towards the viewer.
The glass is covered with a protective film on the outside. Please remove this before inserting it into the frame or the interchangeable picture holder.
Crilex art glass is available in sizes up to 100 x 140 cm. Acrylic glass can or should be used for frame sizes larger than this and when framing pictures with different thicknesses.


Acrylic glass (Plexiglas) > maximale Größe 200 x 300 cm
is very break-resistant and weighs considerably less than glass. The material is colour-neutral and has a very good transmission of light, colours and image sharpness and offers almost 100 % UV protection.
Plexiglas kann für Rahmen bis zu einer Größe von 200 x 300 cm eingesetzt werden. Die Stärke der angebotenen Platten beträgt 3 mm. Erhältlich ist Plexiglas als glänzendes Acrylglas und einseitig entspiegeltes Acrylglas. Das verwendetete Acrylglas stammt vom renomierten Hersteller der Marke Plexiglas und garantiert eine sehr gute Qualität für den Einsatz in Bilderrahmen. Der Hersteller, die Firma Röhm, gibt für Plexiglas 30 Jahre Langzeitgarantie. Bitte beachten Sie, dass auf der Außenseite des Glases eine Schutzfolie aufgebracht ist, die beim einrahmen entfernt werden muss.


Mirror > maximale Größe 60 x 80 cm
The edges of the 3 mm mirror are unpolished. The mirror can therefore only be used in conjunction with a frame.
Spiegel für in Verbindung mit einem Bilderrahmen können wegen der Bfruchgefahr beim Versand nur bis zu einer Größe bis 60 x 80 cm angeboten werden.


Back panel

Depending on your intended use of the frame, you can choose between a stand and a hanger.
The hanger (there are two for portrait and landscape format for oval frames) is located on the back wall. From size 30 x 40 (oval) or 30 (round), a hanger or hole (also for both hanging variants for oval frames) is attached directly to the frame.
If the frame is to be set up, a back panel with a stand is required. The stand is attached to the back panel in such a way that the frame can be set up in portrait format for oval frames. It is not possible to set up oval frames in landscape format.
Please select the same size as the frame for which the back panel is intended.

ovale Rückwand zum Hinhängen

Rear panel with hanger (horizontal and vertical)

ovale Rückwand zum Aufstellen

Back panel with stand (for oval frames for portrait format up to max. size 30 x 40 / for round frames max. size 30)



The passe-partout cardboard has a thickness of 1.4 mm and is acid-free. The same size as the frame (picture size) must be selected. Please note that the passe-partout is covered by the frame rebate at the edges (see sketch). Please take this dimension into account when selecting the passe-partout width, otherwise the passe-partout cut-out will be too small.
The colours shown are indicative only. The reproduction of the colours depends on your screen.

Abmessungen Passepartout

Passepartout and frame:
One option is to print your picture to fit the inside of the passe-partout. This ensures that the picture fits exactly. If you have a fixed picture size, this requires an exact size calculation of the required frame and the dimensions of the passe-partout. Proceed as described below: Add the required passepartout width twice to your picture width and height. This dimension is then the clear dimension of the frame you are looking for. Now add the measurement for the rebate width to the length and width obtained in this way. The rebate on the frame covers the picture at the edge and holds it in the frame, whereby the width of the rebate depends on the size of the frame and varies between 5mm and 10m. Please refer to the table at the bottom of the article pages for the exact frame dimensions. This will give you the required frame size.

Oval cut-out passe-partout

Round cut-out passe-partout

The best way to visualise the required dimensions is to make a sketch. It is important to remember that the width and length of the inner passe-partout cut-out should be at least 5 mm smaller than the outer dimensions of your picture in order to be able to attach it to the edge of the back of the passe-partout. If the cut-out is too large, the picture will fall through; if it is too small, too much of your picture may be covered by the passe-partout.

When using passe-partouts, anti-reflective glass must not be used, as the distance to the picture would cause it to appear blurred.

Offer of assistance:
We are also happy to help you by sending us your image by e-mail or via our enquiry form and we will send you a graphic representation with the required dimensions.

Dimensional view oval passepartout


Antworten auf Allgemeine Fragen zu Rundrahmen

How can I print my own picture and have it framed in a selected frame (with passe-partout)?

Nutzen Sie bitte das auf dieser Seite bereitgestellte Formular, um uns Ihr Bild zu übermitteln. Der Preis für den Druck und die Einrahmung eines Bildes entnehmen Sie bitte der unten stehenden Tabellen. Die Preise verstehen sich zuzüglich zum Preis vom Rahmen und gegebenenfalls Passepartout!

Im zuzüglichen Preis für den Grafikdruck und die Einrahmung sind enthalten:

  • hochwertiger Laser-Druck auf 160 g/m²-Fotopapier
  • Bearbeitung der Grafik in Größe und Form passend zum Bilderrahmen
  • Cutting and framing of the picture


Preise für quadratische und runde Formate

Bei Zwischengrößen richten sich die Preise nach dem nächstgrößeren Format.

  • 8 cm3,90 EUR
  • 16 cm4,70 EUR
  • 30 cm19,90 EUR
  • 70 cm30,90 EUR
  • 10 cm4,10 EUR
  • 18 cm4,90 EUR
  • 40 cm20,90 EUR
  • 80 cm39,90 EUR
  • 12 cm4,30 EUR
  • 20 cm6,30 EUR
  • 50 cm29,90 EUR
  • 90 cm46,90 EUR
  • 14 cm4,50 EUR
  • 24 cm8,70 EUR
  • 60 cm32,90 EUR


What are the additional shipping costs?

Der Versandkostenpreis ist abhhängig von der Größe des bestellten Bilderrahmens. Sollte eine größere Stückzahl bzw. unterschiedlich große Artikel bestellt werden, so kommt immer die höhere Versandklasse zur Anwendung. Auf der Übersichtsseite zu den Shipping costs you will find all further information.


Falls Sie die Antwort auf Ihre Frage hier oder auf den Artikelseiten nicht finden können, so helfen wir Ihnen natürlich auch gern per Email enquiry or by telephone at (035203) 48 96 06 or mobile: (0178) 61 56 609.