We manufacture solid wood frames for you in your desired size. The use of acrylic glass means that even very large or narrow pictures can be framed.
12 x verkauft
Massivholzrahmen in Holzart Ajous Made to measure. Oberfläche transparent lackiert, unbehandelt oder geölt, Profil-Querschnitt (B/H) 30 x 30 / 50 x 30 / 70 x 30 mm, optional mit oder ohne Glas (Kunstglas), Rückwand und Passepartout. Dieser Bilderrahmen ist als Maßenfertigungen up to a size of 140 x 290 cm available.
Production/delivery time: 14 working days to 4 weeks after order or receipt of payment
From an order quantity of 2 pieces you receive a discount of 5 %, from 5 pieces 10 % and from 10 pieces 15 %
We manufacture solid wood frames for you in your desired size. The use of acrylic glass means that even very large or narrow pictures can be framed.
You will find answers to most questions about your selected item in the item description (delivery time, material properties, product images)
To obtain further information on the individual selection options, simply click on the small (i) Symbol next to the selection field.
There you will find relevant information for your selection. The price will change according to your selection.
Once you have placed the desired number of items in your shopping basket, click to proceed to the checkout. Complete the order process by entering your address (if applicable, a different delivery address), payment method and shipping method. After submitting your order, you will automatically receive an order confirmation to your e-mail address.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by telephone at 0049 (0)178 6156609 or by e-mail to will be happy to assist you at any time.
We are thrilled all round!
Mr Hille gave us the best advice and after only 3 weeks delivery time our two XXL frames arrived safely packed by express carrier today! A service that is worth every cent! The frames are of high quality workmanship, solid craftsmanship simply Made in Germany! We would order again at any time! Thank you very much!
Hello Mr Hille,
Here is the promised picture of the beautiful
Eye-catcher in the living room.
Thanks again for the great work!
Dear Mr Hille,
The frame I ordered was delivered to me yesterday.
The frame is exactly how I imagined it.
I would like to thank you once again for the trouble-free processing.
Best regards
L. Burck